Mrs. Keeler's DO-IT-YOURSELF


Presto Chango Industries. 315 Oneida Street, Utica, New York 17044

Dear Mrs. Keeler,

I'm tired of my situation! Please send me my Mrs. Keeler's Do-It-Yourself SEX-CHANGE Kit immediately! I under- stand that the easy-to-follow instructions and "Plast-O-Gen," the "scientific break- through" substance, make everything easy as pie! I'd like to become (check one):

Why spend thousands to go to Denmark when, with Mrs. Keeler's SEX-CHANGE Kit, you can do-it-yourself in the privacy of your own home for only $14.95) a man! ( ) a woman! ( ) a little of


Enclosed find $14.95. ($1 deposit required on all C.O.D. orders.)

Thanks to "Plast-O-Gen," the "scientific break- through” substance that lets you form new organs as easily as modeling clay, what was once a difficult and complex operation for even experienced surgeons is now a simple and painless procedure that can be per- formed by any housewife. Your kit comes complete Name... with: 1 scalpel, 1 sponge, 3 clamps, 1 local anesthetic, 1 jar depilatory cream, I needle, 1 spool surgical thread, retractors, 1 mirror, 12 cotton swabs, 1 bottle her. mone pilid, 1 bottle iodine, 1 pair rubber gloves, 3 ban alds, 1 instruction manual, and 8 ozs. of Plant-O-Ge Everything you need for a new start in Wel


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ACT NOW and we will include Mrs. Kee- ler's Name Guide, a list of over 6,000 men's and women's names, plus mean- ings and origins, from which you can choose your new name!

TV Specials

Wonderful World of Girls (Tentative)--Sunday, January 18, 10-11 p.m.-Is being a girl really something special? This program concludes the an- swer is-YES.

On radio this conclusion might be questioned. But on TV we'd all agree.


Here you are, dreamers!

Why spend "7,000” when you can do it for “14.95"